Huawei Nova 4e entered Recovery mode, which was caused by Inveracious Soldering power supply, and Repeat welding power supply fault was repaired.

Huawei Nova5i mobile phone Won't Turn On,Capacitor problem, remove the fault Capacitor and solve it.

Huawei Honor play mobile phone does not charge,Jump wire, charging is normal.

Huawei Nova6 5G mobile phone no serviecs, with a slight corrode chip. Redo this chip and boot it perfectly.

Huawei Honor 30smobileNo, it's all caused by the physical damage of the CPU that can't be repaired.

Huawei Mate30 Pro mobile phone high temperature, after removing the fault Capacitor, repair it.

Huawei Mate9 mobile phone Won't Turn On,CPU Inveracious Soldering caused, redo the CPU fault resolution.

Huawei Honor 9xwifi can't be used, and the resistance is damaged. Remove short-circuit directly and troubleshoot.

Huawei enjoys 9 mobile phone Won't Turn On, replaces it with a new PMU, and solves the problem.