Mechanical Revolution Deep-sea Ghost Z2 Air Notebook Maintenance without Bootin

Mechanical Revolution Deep-sea Ghost Z2 Air Notebook Maintenance without Booting.

Measure 3.3V to ground, and the resistance is zero, which means 3.3V short circuit protection. 3.3V power supply is distributed at dozens of points on the motherboard, which burns the machine. Capacitor C601 is extremely hot. Remove capacitor C601, power on and start the test, and turn on the machine perfectly!

Machine model: mechanical revolution deep-sea ghost Z2 Air notebook

Fault symptom: the notebook does not turn on.

Maintenance process:

The notebook is not turned on, waiting for 0.018, pressing the on-off key 0.020 to flash, which is basically equivalent to no response. In this case, according to experience, the first thing that comes to mind is BIOS. I brushed the BIOS immediately after disassembling the machine, but it was useless. I found that EC also had a BIOS, so I brushed it again, and the fault remained. It seems that this is not the reason. Let’s follow the maintenance steps.

Check 5V is normal, check 3.3V, but I can’t find it. Open Xinzhizhao software and check the drawings. The inductance of 3.3v is L13, and the measured voltage is zero. Check whether the en of U1 has the turn-on voltage. When measuring 3.3V to ground, the resistance is zero, so it is 3.3V short circuit protection. 3.3V power supply is distributed at dozens of points on the motherboard, so it can only burn the machine. Luckily, the capacitor C601 was very hot. Remove the capacitor C601.

Mechanical Revolution Deep-sea Ghost Z2 Air Notebook Maintenance without Booting

Mechanical Revolution Deep Sea Ghost Z2 Air Notebook Maintenance without Booting Figure 1

Mechanical Revolution Deep-sea Ghost Z2 Air Notebook Maintenance without Booting

Mechanical Revolution Deep Sea Ghost Z2 Air Notebook Maintenance without Booting Figure 2

Power-on test, perfect machine! The test function is all right, and the troubleshooting and maintenance are over.


Mechanical Revolution Deep Sea Ghost Z2 Air Notebook Maintenance without Booting Figure 3