iPhone 6 Plus Low current can’t be turned on for maintenance

iPhone 6 Plus Low current can't be turned on. After detection, it is found that the CPU RAM is deformed Inveracious Soldering, so it is replaced and soldered again, and the fault is repaired. 

iPhone 6 Plus Low current can’t be turned on for maintenance

Machine model: iPhone 6 Plus
Fault: Low current mobile phone can’t be turned on.

Maintenance process: I received an iPhone 6 Plus. Before the customer described it, I touched it in another place for maintenance. I moved the board once. After using Move Board (move the main chips to another motherboard)for more than two months, it was no booting, and the power-on current of the adapter was only 91 auto power off.

iPhone6 Plus Low current can't be turned on for maintenance

iPhone 6 Plus Low current can’t be turned on for maintenance Figure 1.

First, measure the diode value and VCC of I2C0 next to Screw hole on the left, and then pry open the CPU shielding cover. After a careful look at the CPU, it is found that the CPU RAM welding made at home is not good, and it is obvious that there is a big gap in the corner.

iPhone6 Plus Low current can't be turned on for maintenance

iPhone 6 Plus Low current can not be turned on for maintenance Figure 2.

iPhone6 Plus Low current can't be turned on for maintenance

iPhone 6 Plus Low current can’t be turned on for maintenance Figure 3.

At first glance, it is estimated that it is RAM Inveracious Soldering. Just pry the RAM down and see that this RAM has been deformed. No wonder it will not fit. Replace it with a solder, ok Boot, and repair it!


iPhone 6 Plus Low current can’t be turned on for maintenance Figure 4.