iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault repair

iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restarted, and could not enter the system. After inspection, it was found that it was caused by touching VCC chip water damage water damage, and the replacement chip was successfully repaired.


iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault repair

Malfunction model: iPhone X
Symptoms: Hang Logo(white apple)restarts

Customer description saidmobile phoneHang Logo(white apple)can’t enter the system after booting.

iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault repair

iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault maintenance Figure 1. 

Maintenance process:
The card Hang Logo(white apple)can’t get into the system after booting. Disassemble the machine and observe the motherboard to find traces of water damage corrode.

iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault repair

iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault maintenance Figure2.
Remove shielding cover and find corrode around the chip.

iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault repair

iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault maintenance Figure3. 
SMD REWORK STATION remove U5600 and touch VCC chip. It is found that the bottom pin is already water damage corrode.


iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault maintenance Figure4.
Open Xinzhizao Soft to check that this position of corrode is exactly the position of I2C3 bus. If this bus is not normal, the boot card Hang Logo(white apple)will not enter the system.


iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault maintenance Figure5.
Clean it up, replace it with a good chip, and solder it back to the motherboard.


iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault maintenance Figure6. 

After the installation test, the boot normally enters the system, the function is normal, and the maintenance ends here. The boot card Hang Logo(white apple)is the fault caused by water damage corrode.


iPhone X water damage Hang Logo(white apple)restart fault maintenance Figure7.