iPhone 6 Plus Low current can't be turned on. After detection, it is found that the CPU RAM is deformed Inveracious Soldering, so it is replaced and soldered again, and the fault is repaired.
iPhone 6 Plus Bluetooth can't connect,Rear Camera doesn't work, replace WiFi module and Rear Camera, and the machine will return to normal.
iPhone 6s Plus mobile phone has no signal. After detection, it was found that IF VCC was disconnected, and the problem was fixed after Jump wire.
Previously repaired iPhone6 Plus Backlight/Screen Half Black, turn it off automatically after a while, and find a fault after detection,Jump wire is done.
iPhone 7 Nand Nand caused the mobile phone to fail to start, DFU mode,Open was replaced successfully and Keep data was repaired.
no serviecs appears in iPhone 8 Plus mobile phone, so it can't make a phone call to the Internet. The detection shows that the card Xt6601 is caused by the damage of U_WTR_E RF IC chip.
iPhone XR high temperature back no booting, charging without current, detection found that PMU was damaged, and the fault was repaired after replacement.
iPhone 6s camera can't be opened. After detection, the 2.85V convert transistor camera was unplugged, and Jump wire patch was successfully repaired.
Fall hard iPhone 12 Pro Max Open no booting, separate the upper and lower layers, and find that Inductor near PMU of the upper layer falls off, and repair the fault after replacement.