Lenovo Xiaoxin AIR13IKB Pro notebook no booting, replace the charging chip and brush BIOS after the fault repair.

Huawei kpl-w00 does not respond to boot, the notebook does not charge, replace the resistance of corrode, and it is perfectly repaired.

iPhone se2 screen failure,BTB connector 15 pin next to the CPU PCB layer scraping line Jump wire, fault repair.

Dell 14236-1 notebook Won't Turn On, detection found that u4101 secondary VCC chip is not installed, with a 0 ohm resistance through, find a Inductor solder fault repair.

iPhone 7 does not have 4G signal, replace tddpa_After RF power amplifier, the fault was repaired.

Lenovo Xinchao 7000-13 notebook no booting, take down Short circuit,Capacitor,Normally booting up.

Huawei mate 30 Pro mobile phone has no signal,separate Repeat welding main power supply makes a homing action, power on test, fault repair.

ZOTAC gtx1050 video card does not display when it is turned on, and many groups of VCC have no output. The components replaced by corrode show normal display.

ASUS gtx960 graphics card point is not bright, graphics card has no core VCC, replace up1815p, boot normal.