ASUS p8h61-mlx3 Plus motherboard power on and restart, running line measurement Measuring diode value to find the fault point, replace the resistor, boot normal.
Huawei nova5i Telecom has a 2G mobile phone no serviecs, and the ANT Switch is reinstalled. The signal is normal and the fault is removed.
Apple a1278 notebook water damage no booting, replaced the CPU chip VCC and set display MOSFET, the maintenance was successful.
Lenovo Z41-70 notebook did not respond according to Switch. After detection, it was found that it was caused by the damage of a filter Capacitor. The fault was repaired after replacement.
Evga gtx1080 graphics card does not display when it is turned on. A hole is missing in PCB board, ftwx Short circuit,Move Board (move the main chips to another motherboard),Normally booting up.
iPhone 6 Plus Update System reported an error of 4014. It was found that it was caused by PCB circuit defect, and the fault was repaired after Jump wire.
HP shadow Genie 4 tpn-q211 laptop fell Won't Turn On, replace the up1666q chip, repair the fault.
When Huawei mate40 Pro calls,earpiece has no sound, and Inductor falls off and is replaced, the fault is repaired.
ASUS p8h61-m LX3 motherboard was powered on auto power off. It was found that the undervoltage Current protection was caused by the damage of pr510 resistance. After replacement, it turned on normally.