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ADATA DDR4 2133 8GB memory repair


ADATA DDR4 2133 8GB memory repair ADATA DDR4 2133 8GB memory is damaged, replace 15 Ω drain resistor, and repair the fault. Machine model: ADATA DDR4 2133 8GB Fault phenomenon: the memory is broken Maintenance process: the customer’s memory is broken, so…

Lenovo rescuer y7000 battery does not charge and mechanical revolution x9ti does not show maintenance when starting

The Savior is the battery does not charge, the mechanical revolution is to use the charger and battery at the same time boot does not show.Dismantle the machine and directly find and disconnect the two resistors pin, find a 2m resistor on nm-c371 Parts motherboard, and a 133k resistor on apple Parts motherboard. Install the machine to test and repair the fault.

Troubleshooting of ASUS k43ly notebook no power on

If you don't plug in the CMOS battery, you can automatically power on booting up. If you plug in the CMOS Switch pin,VCC will be pulled down, and the pwrbtn pin of EC will be tilted up, and then you can click EC alone. Unexpectedly, if you succeed at one time, you simply fly out of the wire and connect to the original circuit. The maintenance is finished.