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Xiaoyingba GTS450 does not display repair

The Xiaoyingba GTS450 does not display. When the RT9259A is replaced, the video memory resistor and VCC-PLL voltage are out. A BIOS is replaced, the first and second video memories are soldered, and the fault is still present. Replace a row of 0.1UF capacitors of Golden Finger, and the fault is contacted.

Second apple Macbook Air A1932 notebook does not boot

Confirm that T2 may have a fault, check that T2 is not short-circuited, and trace that T2 external BIOS waveform is normal. Rom has started to work, and T2 has also turned on the CD3215 I2C bus with 1.8v waveform and voltage. In this case, directly replace the CD3215 chip, and both of them can be changed together, which can boost the voltage, boot normally, and turn on the machine perfectly.

Apple MacBook Pro A1502 notebook screen does not show repair

Dismantling the machine, it was found that the chip near the screen interface of the main board was wet and corroded. Dismantling the chip, it was found that the bonding pad had been disconnected. After cleaning the pad with flying wire and washing board water, install the chip, and check the drawing to know that U8300 is the chip that supplies power to the screen. After processing, the boot test has been shown.