The WiFi signal of iPhone X mobile phone is not good. After testing, it is found that the connection between C7705 and C2401 is disconnected, and the test fault of Jump wire is normal.
iPhone 11 Fall hard has no signal, and the motherboard is slightly deformed. After separate, it was found that Inductor fell off beside Baseband CPU. After Inductor was added, it was tested with a test stand,Baseband was normal, and everything was normal after Inductor.
iPhone 6 passed without sound, often no serviecs, but still no serviecs after replacing 2G power amplifier. Then, after checking that the mobile phone has an operator, according to the previous maintenance experience, we can receive the operator's explanation that the receiving signal part of the mobile phone is good, and the problem should lie in the transmitting part. Then, a large RF is replaced, and the signal is OK after replacing the large RF.
iPhone X. Unable to activate without signal,separate was carried out on the motherboard, and it was found that the mobile phone had pad break off obviously. after scraping Solder Mask on poor line repairing, the fault was repaired.
iPhone 2 pro max has no signal. after separate, the upper layer pad break off was found. after adding some useful points,welding tested Baseband for repair.
iPhone 6s Front Camera can't be opened, and it is found that Inductor L3100 is damaged after disassembling and testing, so the fault can be repaired directly after short-circuit.
IPhone 11 is restarted once every three minutes. The pin solder is very little when observing the battery holder under the microscope. The test will not be restarted after the tin is replenished. After it is left for several hours,mobile phoneStill occasionally restart, refer to the maintenance instruction on Xinzhizao Soft, find the fault and repair it perfectly.
iPhone 8 does not charge no booting. It is found that it is caused by a broken Capacitor, and the fault is repaired after replacement